Privacy Policy

For Perkedel NECT

Data Stored




Extra Info

While this particular website itself (from the HTML to the JavaScript we programmed) does not collect any information whatsoever (since we don't program login here), some assets like embedded video & games hosted on 3rd party, plugins, or maybe-or-less Neocities this site was hosted by, may collect informations whenever accessed such as but not limited to:

We have to warn you, some websites are plain nasty. And we all know, in case you'd wanted the information to be deleted, it's gonna be a hell. Not only you have to contact & ask, often times, they may not favour your request so much after all. Hmmm, perhaps use SayMine? idk..

So okay, here's the deal. Let us know if we embedded particular part of a domain or plugin that notorious for collecting private information keys even, without consent, such as Facebook e.g. .
CDN usually should not collect user information everytime any of the file gets accessed.
But anyway, if you believe & confirmed whole lot that even by CDN, the company peeked at your underwear closet & photocopied your crypto wallet private keys or just house address, let us know immediately at...
idk, anywhere.. Sorry we don't have business contact address at the moment, nor department that handles privacy concerns. Maybe just go to Joel's cointree & get in touch through mentions so everybody curious & know.

PRO TIPS: You can find which tracker occuring around here but got blocked by looking at your trackers & ad blocker dashboard.
On Brave, you can click on Brave lion before the BAT triangle. Next to Block trackers & ads dropdown, there is a number if more than 1, you can click to view list of which tracker got caught & blocked from loading.